In Russia, the iPhone is an expensive flop
By Philip Elmer-DeWittDespite heavy advertising and early black market interest, Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone is an expensive flop in Russia, according to a ...
Why enterprise tablets might flop
The iPad has the affection of consumers, but most IT departments aren't rushing to integrate the new Apple tablet -- or any other, for that matter.Ima...
Russia's king of crude
來源:2009年2月號《財富》雜志Lukoil, the country's largest independent company, has become the face of Russian business abroad. But can it be the next Exxon?作者:Ba...
Expensive homes miss the recovery
The housing market may be showing signs of life, but you wouldn't know it by all the high-end inventory sitting around.By Maha AtalIn recent weeks, mo...
Information wants to be free … and expensive
Futurist Stewart Brand was the first to say “Information wants to be free.” He also said it “wants to be expensive.”By Richard SiklosRarely a day goes...
大多數消費者會買iPhone 8 Plus,對iPhone X不感冒
蘋果在發布新款iPhone 8和8 Plus的同時,跳過了“9”的版本,直接發布了999美元的iPhone X。這不是算錯了,而是為了紀念第一代iPhone發布十周年。公司將iPhone X定位成價格高檔的頂端產品,這可能會帶來一個令人驚訝的結果:799美元起售的iPhone 8 Plus將會賣得更...
你會掏1000美元買iPhone 8嗎?
根據廣告公司Fluent本周四發布的一項調查顯示,如果iPhone 8的售價超過了1000美元,將僅有13%的消費者愿意購買。如果iPhone 8的售價達到傳說中的1400美元,愿意“割肉”的消費者將僅有8%。有三分之二的消費者表示,1000美元以上的iPhone 8實在“太貴了”。只有12%的消費...
4488元 = 731美元距離蘋果(Apple)官方正式開始預定iPhone 5C已經過去四天了,目前這款手機貨源充足,各種顏色和配置均可預定,除了最貴的一款:起售價高達549美元的T-Mobile無鎖版。為什么T-Mobile版會姍姍來遲呢?原因很簡單:絕大部分無鎖版iPhone最終都流向了美國境...
庫克表示iPhone X售價1000美元很值
蘋果的首席執行官蒂姆·庫克表示,考慮到消費者買到的是iPhone X, 999美元其實相當劃算。在本周四的《早安美國》節目上,庫克稱根據最近發布的iPhone X所采用的各項技術,它的“價格很值”。他還表示,通過運營商提供的分期付款方式,iPhone X還顯得更加實惠。庫克說:“如今,大部分人都通過...